It’s hard to believe that the first quarter of our 22-23 school year has almost passed. During that time, the EL teachers have been hard at work, focusing on critical partnerships that will foster student growth as well as professional growth. Their first partnership for the year is with Alyson Carpenter. Alyson facilitates their monthly PLC meetings to help them grow as a group of teachers by establishing norms and procedures and encouraging common goal-setting as we move forward for the year. Our first PLC focused on data protocol and how elementary and secondary EL teachers could support their general education teachers.

It was then a very natural transition into their next partnership. The ALSDE is working to unwrap and implement the new WIDA 2020 standards in schools across the state. In response, our central office team revived the EL District Leadership team. This team consists of the EL teachers at each school, as well as 2-3 general educational teachers. The hope is that EL teachers and general educational teachers will be able to collaborate and apply the WIDA 2020 standards to address the needs of all their students. The first training on September 23rd was a great introduction to the new standards by our district and state EL specialists Ann Marie Batista, Robin Stutts, and Miguelina Quiñones. Furthermore, the school teams were given time to collaborate and apply the standards to lesson plans across various represented disciplines. We are so grateful to Heritage Church for their incredible hospitality to our team of 50 educators.
